7Magazine Reunion - Fri, 21 February 2014
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Nous l’avions annoncé, le président James Michel a été facilement réélu président des Seychelles dès le premier tour avec plus de 55% des suffrages. ...more
Reuters - Sun, 02 October 2011
VICTORIA, Oct 2 (Reuters) - The ruling People's Party of Seychelles secured a landslide parliamentary election victory on Sunday, official results showed, in a poll boycotted by the main opposition group.
The main opposition Seychelles National Party (SNP) said almost a third of the 51,592 votes cast were spoiled in protest at the lack of electoral reform that deprived its leader of victory in May's presidential election. ...more
BloombergBusinessWeek - News from Bloomberg - Sun, 02 October 2011
Oct. 2 (Bloomberg) -- Seychelles President James Michel said electoral reforms will soon be on the agenda in an announcement after his People’s Party won all 25 seats in the Indian Ocean island nation’s parliamentary elections held over three days.
The Electoral Commission will start national consultations on the reforms, Michel said in a statement on television today. ...more
Taipei Times - Mon, 23 May 2011
Seychellois President James Michel has been returned to office with an outright election victory, the Seychellois Electoral Commission said yesterday, in polls the opposition said were marred by bribery.
By winning 55 percent of the vote, Michel avoided a second round run-off against his closest rival, Wavel Ramkalawan, who polled 41 percent of the ballots cast. ...more
http://www.shout-africa.com - Mon, 23 May 2011
By Wanjohi Kabukuru – Seychelles third president James Michel successfully won his second elected term as president of the Indian Ocean island nation of Seychelles on Saturday defeating his main opponent Wavel Ramkalawan. ...more
Bloomberg - Sun, 22 May 2011
James Michel won his third term as president of the Seychelles, securing 55.46 percent of the vote yesterday against 41.43 percent for Wavel Ramkalawan, his main opponent.
Both Michel’s Parti Lepep and Ramkalawan’s Seychelles National Party accused the other of bribing voters on the Indian Ocean archipelago. ...more
AFP - Sat, 21 May 2011
VICTORIA — The Seychelles' President James Michel was re-elected Sunday, beating three opposition candidates to win a second term in office, the electoral commission announced.
Michel won 55.4 percent of the votes, his main rival Wavel Ramkalawan took 41.4 percent and two other candidates won less than two percent each of the ballot. ...more
Shout-Africa - Proud African news and entertainment hub - Sun, 29 August 2010
WANJOHI KABUKURU, NAIROBI – It is common for sweeping statements to be made by politicians whenever they take to the podium. And when one clinches the ultimate prize of assuming the highest office in the land then the stakes are even higher.
On April 14 2004, President James Alix Michel took the reins of power of the idyllic Indian Ocean island nation of Seychelles from retiring President France Albert Rene. On this day President Michel made only one statement that has characterised his presidency ever since, “Judge me by my actions.” ...more
Le Quotidien de la Reunion - Wed, 15 July 2009
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C’est devant une foule conquise et acquise à sa cause quele président des Seychelles,James Michel, annonçait fièrement la création d’un nouveau parti politique il y a quinze jours.L’ancien parti gouvernemental,le SPPF (Seychelles people’s progressive front), est ainsi devenu le People’s party(PP), ou Parti Lepep en créole seychellois et c’est tout naturellement James Michel qui en a pris la présidence, remplaçant ainsi l’ancien président Albert René qui dirigeait jusqu’à présentle SPPF. ...more