Judiciary exchange Seychelles/Mauritius
Wed, 14 April 2010
April 14, 2010 - Mauritius'' chief justice, Mr Yeung Kam John Yeung Suk Yuen called on President James A Michel at State House yesterday. He also met the Vice-President, Mr Joseph Belmont.
Chief Justice Sik Yuen and his delegation are in Seychelles on the eighth exchange since biennial exchanges were launched between the two countries.
The Mauritian delegation was accompanied to State House by Seychelles' chief justice Frederick Egonda-Ntende.
Chief justice Sik Yuen said after the meeting that the judiciaries of Mauritius and Seychelles will continue to learn from each other through the ongoing exchange programme. He said computer technology in Mauritius is speeding up the delivery of justice, a practice Seychelles can learn from his country. Mauritian courts can learn from Seychelles courts how to make defaulting fathers pay alimony.